Business Online Reputation New York City

In Business, Online Reputation Means More Than Maintaining a Facebook Page

If you own a business, online reputation is more than just a matter of a few mentions on websites. In the business world, your reputation can make or break you. Particularly with the development of internet technology and review sites, it is easier than ever for customers to research your business or products before they ever set foot in your store or pick up the phone. A few clicks, and consumers can find a plethora of information on your company, from service reviews to product commentary.

But what if a few customers – or even a disgruntled employee – have interacted with your business? Online reputation for your company may have been damaged by these encounters. A negative review on a consumer website, or a negative blog post, can send your reputation tanking before you ever even had a chance to prove yourself. With That! Company’s online reputation management, you can repair and improve your company’s presence and reviews on the web, ensuring that all of your customers’ interactions will be positive and show you in the best light.

For Business Online, Reputation Means Everything

A company’s online reputation can be created or destroyed faster than they may realize. Kudos and/or curses can come from internet review sites designed to protect consumer interests, blogs, Facebook, and a dozen other social media sites, all encouraging consumers to post reviews and information about their interactions with companies. By and large, this is a beneficial trend that allows consumers to protect their own interests by avoiding disreputable companies with shifty or poor business practices.

However, this trend can also harm companies that may have had a bad interaction with just a few particularly vocal customers. Since review sites often have little validation of the information on them, negative reviews can be particularly harmful, and may even be completely untrue. If unhappy customers choose to flood sites with their poor experience – no matter how rare that experience may have been – the reputation of your company can be instantly and severely damaged.

That! Company reputation management works to repair and manage your company’s reputation online. Unlike some disreputable reputation management companies, That! Company does not resort to creating false positive advertising. Instead, sites with negative reviews of your business will be targeted, while a search engine optimization program works to increase the ranking of sites with positive reviews and proactive and productive information. As a result, sites with negative information about your company will receive fewer and fewer hits when your company is searched, effectively eliminating negative exposure over time. By working to increase the positive exposure and reputation of your company, That! Company helps provide effective, legal, and ethical business online reputation management. Contact That! Company today to get started on your new reputation management campaign!